Posts Tagged ‘Security’

Aviation Intelligence Reporter – December 2010 / January 2011

Gun Fight at Single Skies Corral
Finding a time to reform slots
Aviation Security: banning logic as well as logistics
How equivalent does a measure have to be before we can call it equivalent?
Bus-Av – what happened in the 2nd half of 2010, what will characterise 2011…
Sunday Morning

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Gun Fight at Single Skies Corral

As we reported last month, at the very end of October, the Single Skies Committee (SSC) rejected the Commission’s proposal for the ANSP performance scheme. Apart from being a slap in the face for the Commission, about which Vice President Kallas was loudly unhappy, it risks throwing the entire single skies process into chaos. It is the performance scheme that sets out the measurable performance criteria that the ANSPs must achieve at pain of not being paid by their customers, the airlines.

Finding a time to reform slots

Slot reform is on the European agenda, and the early signs are that the battlelines are being drawn. But, not where you might have expected them to be marked out. This is shaping up to be a battle between the Commission and the Parliament, rather than as might have been thought, between the airports and the airlines.

Aviation Security: banning logic as well as logistics

It is ironic that the industry suffering most from the most recent security jerk of the knee is the one that now asks that it be called logistics. Or ‘cargo’, as the less-reconstructed dinosaurs amongst us like to think of it. Ironic, because we are seeing politics in full flight not logic.

How equivalent does a measure have to be before we can call it equivalent?

You can rely on Bob Dylan to ask the right questions. In the wane shadow of COP16, about to start in Cancun, this question might sound irrelevant, but back at Aviation ETS Centrale, Brussels, freezing under early snow, the fight against global warming goes on. The expectations coming out of Cancun would need to stretch upwards to scratch a snake but for DG Climat (sic) the clock is ticking on the introduction of aviation into the European Emission Trading Scheme. So they are working hard. Working hard in that more haste, less speed, sort of way.

Bus-Av – what happened in the 2nd half of 2010, what will characterise 2011…

In our last update on the world of business aviation, in June this year, we reflected on the mood at EBACE, Europe’s largest gathering of business aircraft manufacturers and operators. The sector’s business leaders were expressing optimism that the slump brought on by 2008’s financial crisis was ebbing away. True, there were few new orders to celebrate, but the stock market indices had improved and business confidence was markedly better than at the end of 2009.

Sunday Morning

With huge apologies to Louis MacNeice
Down the road someone is practising scales,
The notes like little fishes vanish with a wink of tails,
Man’s heart expands to wander near and far,
For this is Sunday morning, Fate’s great bazaar;
Regard these means as ends, concentrate on this Now,