Posts Tagged ‘Security’

Aviation Intelligence Reporter – May 2011

Centring your thinking
EBACE 2011: consolidation; peripheral opportunity; golf clubs
Clouded thinking about a secure cloud
Slotting right in
Liquids, aerosols and gels: Common sense is LAGging behind

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Centring your thinking

One of the features of ATC Global is the annual Helios survey. Helios, an ATM consulting firm, polls attendees on a range of ATM questions. Some questions have now been asked for a few years in a row, allowing what statisticians call a longitudinal view. Other questions are new each year.

EBACE 2011: consolidation; peripheral opportunity; golf clubs

Hoping, this year, for a genuine recovery, European business aviation holds its annual flagship event, EBACE (the European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition) in May in Geneva. Harder hit than any other aerospace industry – aircraft values have fallen 40% or more since 2008 – the sector is praying skyward for a sign that it is to resume its long growth trend of 2003-2007.

Clouded thinking about a secure cloud

Mike McConnell, once the White House security expert, wrote an opinion piece in the Financial Times in late April. He argued that to ensure security, some vital infrastructure, including aviation infrastructure, needs its own secure corner of the Internet.

Slotting right in

The legacy carrier of Japanese politics is the Liberal Democratic Party, once the assumed party of government, now in opposition. It is also a long running three part oxymoronic joke. The LDP is not liberal, it is not democratic and it is not a party. The European airlines tried to emulate that old gag a couple of years ago with their Coalition for Environmentally Friendly Airlines. Perhaps the most recent attempt at joint action, on slot reform, will avoid this doubletalk fate. It is unlikely to stay together long enough to need a name.

Liquids, aerosols and gels: Common sense is LAGging behind

Without fear of contradiction, the stupidest thing in air transport is airport security. It seems to be a lightning rod for morons and cowards. The fact that so much of the rules and requirements come from politicians may just be related.