Posts Tagged ‘Security’

Aviation Intelligence Reporter – February 2010

Single European Sky or Slot relief – you decide
Hot Air and Global Warming
How Green was my Commission
Are we all turning Japanese?
Security theatre and knee jerk injuries

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Single European Sky or Slot relief – you decide

The Aviation Intelligence Reporter has been closely following the slot relief debate. You may recall that we alone took a view that this short-sighted measure was likely to lead to issues in the future. Welcome to the future.

Hot Air and Global Warming

It is fair to say that very few consider the Copenhagen climate conference a raging success. One of the few good things about Copenhagen was its timing. The Christmas break meant that by the time the dust settled, thoughts were turning to other, more pleasant, things.

How Green was my Commission

Most of the time, closely following the goings on in Brussels depresses. On the feast or famine scale you are down at the weight-loss end of the calorie counter. But, once every five years, keen students of the European Union experiment get to feast. The President of the Commission appoints his (or maybe one day, her) College of Commissioners.

Are we all turning Japanese?

Even by the amazingly high standards of aviation, an industry that does irony better than anything apart from safety, what is going on in Japan is ironic. One of the most closed, regulated markets in the world appears to be blowing apart international aviation regulation.

Security theatre and knee jerk injuries

It was probably safer to be a passenger on the Detroit-bound flight on Christmas day than a resident of Washington DC the next day, as news of the aborted bombing came out. At least on the aircraft, there was an opportunity to take events into your own hands. In Washington DC there was no warning whatsoever to allow one to take protective steps against the whiplash from the knee-jerks.