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Aviation Intelligence Reporter – April 2015

The Dark Art of the White Paper
Droning On
Not So Nobel Views on Airport Regulation
A Global ETS: Marketing Basic Measures – Should we be GLAD?
Is Consolidation the Answer for Business Aviation?

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The Dark Art of the White Paper

After so many months hinting about an explosive White Paper so compelling, so revealing, so powerful, that only its existence but not its contents could be made public, a White Paper fit only for the White House, the big reveal when it inevitably came was always going to be an anti-climax. We are at the mighty labour: gnat production interface. The campaign has been full of sound and fury, what it signifies is less clear.

Droning On

When Edison was working on the first electric light globe, he did not talk to the candle makers. But it is interesting to speculate what might have been if, when Edison burst onto the scene, the candle makers had had an international intergovernmental agency, perhaps the International Candle Appreciation Organisation, or ICAO to its friends.

Not So Nobel Views on Airport Regulation

The March edition of IATA’s in-house Pravda, Airlines International, contains an article claiming to be a Nobel-prize winning perspective on airport pricing. The article’s main point is that the privatisation of airports can bring benefits but, in the absence of competition, such airports should be independently regulated through a cap on prices. The article is yet another shot in the long-running battle between IATA, on behalf of the airlines and the ACI, representing the airports.

A Global ETS: Marketing Basic Measures – Should we be GLAD?

‘No Country Left Behind’ proudly proclaims large banners in the lobby of ICAO’s post-Soviet design headquarters. It sounds so much better than ‘No Country Allowed to Excel’ which is what it actually means. If you think that harsh, consider the work ICAO is doing in the environment area. When Europe put forward a means to meet its carbon emission targets, it was attacked from all quarters. No new thinking allowed.

Is Consolidation the Answer for Business Aviation?

For investors in search of an industry niche which is yet to experience the ´creative destruction´ of a truly open market, business aviation appears to offer an attractive investment opportunity. The European market, estimated by Price Waterhouse to have had an economic value of €20 billion back in 2008, was badly shaken by the Great Recession, exposing its inefficiency and over-capacity. Without having really addressed these issues, the sector is nonetheless now set for cyclical recovery.