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Aviation Intelligence Reporter – September 2010

Praising, not burying, SESAR
Will the tide refloat the Biz-Av boats?
Measuring Performance: For airlines and ANSPs, rubber finally meets road
Silly Season Alert: UFOs
The Aviation Advocacy Crossword Answers

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Praising, not burying, SESAR

The European Commission has commissioned the wonderfully named firm of Booz & Co. to look at SESAR’s progress. A sort of a mid-term report, if you like. It is still a draft, and is being reviewed within the Commission and at SESAR, but its findings are interesting. The reviews that are going on now are not likely to bottle the fundamental thrust of the Booz report: the SESAR funding is based on a false premise.

Will the tide refloat the Biz-Av boats?

The dog days of summer appear to have brought to a halt the sputtering recovery in business aviation activity in Europe. This is worrying news. The industry’s ailing participants have been clinging to a prognosis, issued in May at the annual European Business Aviation conference EBACE, that the corner was behind us.

Measuring Performance: For airlines and ANSPs, rubber finally meets road

Eliot said that April was the cruellest month, mixing memory and desire, but this year, August is putting in a brave showing to take that mantle from April. Normally, August is the go-to-the-beach month. Hardly cruel at all.

Silly Season Alert: UFOs

You know it is August when the European Parliament starts to worry about UFOs. Just as August was to start, on the last day of Parliamentary session, in came the classic silly season move. According to Italian Northern League MEP Mario Borghezio, secret UFO files held by EU member states should be declassified and made available to the European public.

The Aviation Advocacy Crossword Answers