Aviation Intelligence Reporter – June 2016

UAV Traffic Management: NASA is from Mars; the ANSPs are from Venus
The European Commission: A Fighter Not a Lover
The UK Agenda: Mediaeval Procedures and Modern Transport
EBACE 2016: Redefining Business As Usual
The Passenger? The Who?

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UAV Traffic Management: NASA is from Mars; the ANSPs are from Venus

The nearest the aviation community can get to imagining what is going on in the drone space is to assume that all drone operators are like model aircraft enthusiasts. Wrong. The model aircraft set are proud of being part of the aviation community. They abide by the rules, which they assiduously learn and get badges for passing tests on – it is like the Boy Scouts for aeroplane geeks. They could not be any less like the vast numbers of gamers that drive drone developments if they tried.

The European Commission: A Fighter Not a Lover

The European Commission is flexing its muscles. Or at least, it is trying to. Both ICAO and Eurocontrol have been at the receiving end of the Commission’s recent attempts to assert its influence and authority. It is arguable that in both cases these are organisations where it has neither influence nor authority.

The UK Agenda: Mediaeval Procedures and Modern Transport

Say what you like about the British, they do ridiculous better than anyone else. Which other nation could ask a 90 year old woman to read a speech that was obviously written by bureaucrats that have a competition between themselves to write the longest array of words she clearly does not understand, whilst wearing a tiara? The Queen’s Speech is the formal opening each session of parliament and it sets out the agenda for the year.

EBACE 2016: Redefining Business As Usual

The 16th EBACE, Europe’s leading business aviation conference, has just concluded. The organisers will be pleased to have hosted almost 500 exhibitors, not least for the Geneva-standard rental fees generated from the exhibitors´ stands and static display of aircraft. The show was also well attended, with some 10,000 delegates over the 3 days. By past measures, it all looked like business as usual.

The Passenger? The Who?

The US Congress will shortly decide whether passengers are entitled to cheaper trans-Atlantic flights. House Bill HR5090, for decision in the House of Representatives, is an attempt to stop the Department of Transportation (DOT) from issuing the low-fare Norwegian Air International with a foreign air carrier permit. It proposes the inclusion of a requirement that permits can only be granted where it will not undermine labour standards or labour-related rights and principles. US labour standards, you will understand. Hardly the high-water mark for boss-worker relations, at least from the workers’ perspective.