Aviation Intelligence Reporter – Septemer 2016

The European Commission: No More Mr Nice Guy
Best Frenemies 4ever
Striking a Blow Against Striking Controllers
Sharm el Sheikh and the Politics of Aviation Security
Non-Commercial Complex: NCC or No Big Deal?
Aviation Advocacy Cryptic Crossword 008 – Solution

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The European Commission: No More Mr Nice Guy

Once, the European Commission and Eurocontrol had a gentlemen’s agreement as to how to work together. Sadly for friction-free and seamless cooperation, those gentlemen have left their respective organisations. Now, there is much more tension in how these two, distinct, inter-governmental organisations, with differing membership profiles, work towards an ever more single European sky.

Best Frenemies 4ever

Famously, sausages and laws are the things you should not watch being made. We might need to add trade associations to that list. We are watching one arrive before our eyes in Europe and it is not pretty. The A4E, dodgy name notwithstanding, has in half a year thrown off the modest goals it started with and is hitting the big time. There is even an associates’ programme for its partners. Its website is a thing of flash glory.

Striking a Blow Against Striking Controllers

The headline figure tabled by the A4E in its summary of its economic study on the cost of strikes by ANSP staff is certainly attention grabbing. By any measure €9.5 billion is a big number. But despite being happy to trumpet it loudly, it is currently unsubstantiated. We have been told that the report is being finalised even now. A number that big must take some time to verify, after all. Any day now, we are told.

Sharm el Sheikh and the Politics of Aviation Security

When will direct flights by European Union airlines from Europe to Sharm el Sheikh recommence? It is difficult to understand why these flights have not restarted already. Compare and contrast the situation in Egypt with that of Turkey – where direct flights have continued through a succession of major security incidents – or Israel, where rockets were falling close to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion airport in July 2014 and yet BA continued its services, despite other EU airlines cancelling services and the FAA banning US carriers from operating.

Non-Commercial Complex: NCC or No Big Deal?

When EASA’s Basic Regulation was released in 2008, setting out the principal guidelines for the safe conduct of civil aviation, the application of new rules for Non-Commercial Complex aircraft did not grab the headlines. After all, the implementing rules did not come out until 2013, and Member States were given an opt-out to delay enforcement until 2016. That is, 25 August 2016; a date which appeared at the time far too distant to warrant any particular attention or rush…

Aviation Advocacy Cryptic Crossword 008 – Solution