Aviation Intelligence Reporter – February 2016
Scaling the Shakespearean Peaks of the Aviation Summit
What the Aviation Package Actually Said
A Study of the Dark Art of Lobbying
Fair Emission Trading Competition
The NM Audit: Centralising the Unbundling of Eurocontrol?
Business Aviation in 2016: Keep Calm and Carry On
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click hereScaling the Shakespearean Peaks of the Aviation Summit
With mesmerising regularity, European states, on starting their stint as President of the Union, decide to host an aviation summit. Sorry, host an Aviation Summit. This time, it was the Dutch that summoned the great and the good of aviation to Schiphol. With a strictly restricted invitation list, only the crème-de-la-crème sat inside a room that had been set up to look like a disco held in the UK House of Commons. The lighting was set to ‘funky’. All that was missing was the mirror ball. Instead of Hansard between the two banks of seats, approximately a tonne of tulips were brought into service.
What the Aviation Package Actually Said
If a good compromise is an agreement no-one likes, DG MOVE’s Aviation Package scores well. It was clear from the comments made during January’s Summit that the package is fine, insofar as it goes. The issue will be delivery. For that, everyone is looking to the Commission. Which is also fine, except most of the responsibility for delivery actually lies with the member states. Airport charges, the Single European Sky, even A4E’s wish list of ATM reform and taxes are not in the Commission’s remit.
A Study of the Dark Art of Lobbying
The A4E was clear. It is going to be persistent, demanding and loud in its lobbying. The backhanded comment on the industry’s lobbying to date was not subtle. But, it is worth asking whether that is a good lobbying strategy. Is it just volume and persistence that matters? Is demanding results the way forward?
Fair Emission Trading Competition
The new year provides an opportunity for reflection. Amongst those pleased with their performance in 2015 will be the aviation industry’s environmental lobbyists. They managed to keep any reference to aviation out of the Paris COP21 agreement.
The NM Audit: Centralising the Unbundling of Eurocontrol?
By Jacques Mason, independent aviation consultant
The Network Manager (NM) is a European Commission entity, part of the Single European Sky project providing central flow management services across Europe to optimise available capacity. To date, these services have been delegated to the Eurocontrol Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU). That is not without contention, as membership of Eurocontrol extends beyond those subject to the SES, and the relationship between Eurocontrol and the Commission has been lively for some time.
Business Aviation in 2016: Keep Calm and Carry On
The recovery in business aviation has been foretold at the start of every year since 2010. To an extent, it has been accurate the last couple of years, with deliveries of new business jets inching up, flight activity growing in North America, and pre-owned aircraft transactions near record levels. But sales of new aircraft, and fleet utilisation, are still far short of pre-recession levels, and the price tags on second-hand aircraft have not stopped drifting downwards. Even as OEMs launch salvoes of new products into the market, supply still far exceeds demand.