Aviation Intelligence Reporter – May 2013
IATA Reorganises. Life Goes On
Passenger Rights, Left, Right: All Out of Step Except IATA
Air Chauvin: The EU – US Free Trade Talks
Centralising Services, Outsourcing Angst
Business Aviation 2.0: It is Time to Debate What That Might Mean
Postage Stamps, State Aid, ATM and Airports
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click hereIATA Reorganises. Life Goes On
IATA has announced its long-awaited reorganisation. Most tellingly, there is an attempt to rebalance the relationship between the regional offices, which are closer – much closer – to IATA’s members, and both the central head offices that generate policy which it wants the members to adopt, whether they like it or not.
Passenger Rights, Left, Right: All Out of Step Except IATA
The Aviation Intelligence Reporter bows to no-one when it comes to ridiculing stupid decisions taken in the name of passenger rights. The European Court of Justice must be the world land-speed record holder in the outrageousness stakes. But that is not to say that passengers do not have rights or that their genuine concerns should be downplayed.
Air Chauvin: The EU – US Free Trade Talks
He was said to have been born in Rochefort, enlisted in Napoleon’s Grande Armée at age 18, and was wounded 17 times before retiring from the Old Guard. In fact, Nicolas Chauvin may never have existed but his name lives on as chauvinism, a synonym for ultra-patriotism. Aviation, especially, suffers from it, as the Commission is discovering in its ongoing Sisyphean attempt to create a Single European Sky in the face of Council obstructionism.
Centralising Services, Outsourcing Angst
Frank Brenner, formerly of DFS, the German ANSP, quietly lobbied for the role of DG of Eurocontrol by producing a blueprint for reforming ATM in Europe. Or more accurately, by producing a blueprint for clearing the logjam that is presently halting the reform of ATM in Europe. Now, as DG of Eurocontrol, he is taking that plan to the people.
Business Aviation 2.0: It is Time to Debate What That Might Mean
If you follow the reaction to the IATA proposal to change the technological platform on which bookings are made, you can see that the web is transforming the way in which we organise our travel. As the Aviation Intelligence Reporter outlined before others realised what was going on, there is a fundamental shift afoot in commercial aviation.
Postage Stamps, State Aid, ATM and Airports
Posting a letter costs the same whether it is sent to your neighbour, or to the other side of the country. This is a time-honoured tradition. Unfortunately, we also use this principle to honour another more recent tradition – giving low cost carriers a free ride.