Aviation Intelligence Reporter – November 2011
The Airports Package: Ignore your Partner for the Self Interest Tango
Business Aviation Finance – money’s too tight to mention
The Performance Scheme – Put up or be shamed
Sshhh – Don’t mention hushkits
The ECJ – Kicking the Nearest Dog
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click hereThe Airports Package: Ignore your Partner for the Self Interest Tango
If, as Bill Allan, the late company-betting CEO of Boeing once said, a 747 is a million spare parts flying in close formation, how would he describe the air transport industry today? He got the spare parts bit right. Sadly, DG MOVE’s consultation on the package of measures that regulate airports, including the vexing question of slots, has made apparent that there is no close formation flying among the various parts of the industry.
Business Aviation Finance – money’s too tight to mention
The predictable fanfare at the business aviation’s biggest meet-up – the October North American Business Aviation Association (NBAA) – belied the continuing slump in the industry. What appeared to be grass roots recovery in 2010 has stagnated in 2011, with year-on-year worldwide aircraft shipments down 15%. In billings, it is down 22%.
The Performance Scheme – Put up or be shamed
After a marathon special meeting of the Single Sky Committee at the end of October, something remarkable happened. The sky did not fall. But something nearly as earth-shaking had been going on inside the Commission. br/> …
Sshhh – Don’t mention hushkits
The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that makes complying with the European ETS illegal for US carriers. The Senate has indicated it will consider the bill favourably. After that it will go to President Obama for signature. This is yet another measure from the ‘Ready, Fire, Aim!’ school of legislative thinking.
The ECJ – Kicking the Nearest Dog
In cowboy movies you can always spot the bad guy. Right there, in scene one, he steps down from the Overland Stage, dusts off his black hat and kicks the nearest dog.