Aviation Intelligence Reporter – March 2010
EuroParl: New Dogs; New Tricks
EuroParl: Slotting right in
Imagining a future
BA-AA: The beginning of the end (game)
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Not content to rearrange Commissioners, portfolios and senior Commission staff, the urge to be seen to be Doing Something has hit new lows in Brussels. The European Commission is rebranding. Or at least one Directorate General is doing so. Our old favourite DG TREN, previously trading as DGXIII, is taking on a new name. Let us hope that it starts a huge trend.
EuroParl: New Dogs; New Tricks
The way of a united Europe has always been one of doing things, making it the norm, moving on. Government by post-facto, public resigned acquiescence of a done deal. The grand and glorious European project has been under attack lately. But many of these attackers seem to forget one thing. For all the attacks, what‘s done is done; as your Grandmother may have said. There is no going back.
EuroParl: Slotting right in
Slots are fast becoming a slow moving train wreck for Europe’s airlines. This is a dossier that just seems to go from bad to worse.
First, you may recall that a couple of years ago the European legacy carriers, working with the Commission staff, cooked up a procedural wheeze to avoid having the slot regulation reviewed by the Parliament. The review was a mandatory part of the regulation when it was first adopted.
Imagining a future
2010 is the year CANSO asked its members merely to imagine three years ago. It would be interesting to know if anyone imagined that it might look like this. Anybody?
BA-AA: The beginning of the end (game)
The announcement from the US Department of Transportation that it had approved anti-trust immunity for the trans-Atlantic oneworld carriers did not come as a complete shock. If nothing else, BA and AA deserved approval for all of the effort they have put in their application over so many years. Failure to grant this approval, given the approvals given to the other alliances, would have been ridiculous.