Aviation Intelligence Reporter – July 2011
The State of the Industry Association
The CANSO AGM: Anything you can do, we can do better…
Finding a time to review the slot regulation
ETS, A380s, Trade Wars: All roads lead to Sarajevo
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click hereThe State of the Industry Association
As he stood to deliver his final State of the Industry address, IATA’s Director General Giovanni Bisignani could not have known that within hours the industry would be gasping at the state of the industry association instead. What was supposed to be celebration turned into what can only be compared to the sight of a ship abandoning a drowning rat.
The CANSO AGM: Anything you can do, we can do better…
A couple of days later and just up the road in Bangkok, the world’s Air Navigation Service Providers gathered for CANSO’s AGM. It was almost the exact inverse of the IATA one. While IATA was looking to its vision of the future and falling apart, CANSO was perfecting its role as an industry body whilst acknowledging that its business model is at the end of its life cycle.
Finding a time to review the slot regulation
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single question in possession of a consultant must be in want of a good outcome. Or putting that more prosaically, consultants give you the answer you want to the question you ask. And in the case of the European Commission’s study on the Slot Regulation, if you ask what is wrong with the slot regulation, you are asking the wrong question.
ETS, A380s, Trade Wars: All roads lead to Sarajevo
Tags: Airlines, Annual General Meeting