Aviation Intelligence Reporter – August 2010
IATA: And now for something completely different…
The future of aerospace – built on sand?
UAS: For the Commission, unmanned, but no longer un-mandated
The Aviation Intelligence Reporter Summer Crossword
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click hereIATA: And now for something completely different…
By Jacques Mason – Independent aviation consultant
Airlines like getting together, or so it would seem from the number of associations they join and industry meetings they attend. Whenever two or more airlines are gathered, they form a trade association.
The future of aerospace – built on sand?
Every serious air show has its own etiquette. Engineers are welcomed in the exhibition hall. Potential and actual clients, with just a few million to spend, are driven through the sea of hoi polloi to cool private reception rooms in the chalets.
UAS: For the Commission, unmanned, but no longer un-mandated
Brussels conferences are not measured by whether Commissioners and heads of units appear, but by how long they stay. Most often, they deliver their presentation, and pleading pressure of work, disappear. Organizers do high-fives when the heavy hitters linger past the obligatory grip-and-grin photo shoots at the cocktail reception. When the heavy hitters show up and sit through the agenda the next day the conference is officially designated Agenda Setting.
The Aviation Intelligence Reporter Summer Crossword
Tags: Airlines, Drones and UAVs