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Aviation Intelligence Reporter – September 2014

Stalemate at ICAO Corral
Is Airport Competition Just Excess Baggage?
Eurocontrol; State Aid; Competition: Spot the Odd One Out
Switzerland Does the Ownership-and-Control Tango
The Business of Sharing Business Aviation
Aviation Advocacy Cryptic Crossword 006 – Solution

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Stalemate at ICAO Corral

With unusual speed ICAO put together a task force on how to avoid civil aircraft being shot down. But you will be pleased to know that normal service has now resumed. The task force has met twice and is struggling to find a solution. It has however, established projects. A work plan has been agreed. All this activity hides the fact there is not going to be a solution involving large intergovernmental organisations. Or, for that matter, airline, airport and ANSP trade associations. That sounds pessimistic, but there are a number of precedents to which we can look for guidance.

Is Airport Competition Just Excess Baggage?

Did this strike anyone else as strange? Late on a July evening reports started to arrive of Gatwick Airport struggling with hundreds of passengers whose luggage was not delivered on time. The airport assured us that they were putting on the staff necessary to resolve the issue. The Gatwick spokesman said that the three-hour delay was caused by ‘resourcing issues’ at the baggage handling company Swissport. That is the airlines’ outsourced baggage service supplier Swissport, you will appreciate.

Eurocontrol; State Aid; Competition: Spot the Odd One Out

In 1968, LTU, a regional German airline now part of Air Berlin, in turn known as airberlin, took Eurocontrol to court to contest its ability to recover overflight charges. How, it asked, could Eurocontrol, an intergovernmental agency, created by Belgian royal charter, enforce what was basically a commercial obligation arising from operations in Brussels, through a German court? The European Court of Justice gave LTU short shrift. Literally. The entire judgement is two pages long.

The Business of Sharing Business Aviation

Previous issues of the Aviation Intelligence Reporter have touched on ways the business aviation industry might do better: more vigorous industry promotion of business aviation as an economic tool; a simplified, more customised regulatory treatment; and consolidation of a highly fragmented operator market amongst others. Such initiatives could support a sagging market, but they would make only incremental changes to the biggest barrier to growth. The price of using business aviation is simply out of reach to almost all would-be air travellers.

Switzerland Does the Ownership-and-Control Tango

The ownership and control provisions of the 1944 Chicago Convention system – not part of the Convention itself, but rather a 1946 after-thought – show up the anachronisms in the on-going system that regulates international air transport today. It cements into place incumbent airlines and incumbent business models.

Aviation Advocacy Cryptic Crossword 006 – Solution

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